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SB> 1 DEFIANT helicopter passed its first long-endurance airline ticket

And the Lockheed Martin Sikorsky-Boeing SB> 1 DEFIANT helicopter provides completed its first long-endurance flight this week with the major rotorcraft. The helicopter flew 700 nautical miles (805 miles) from West Palm Beach, New york, to Nashville to give O. S. Army Aviators a suitable first-hand look at this impressive aircraft at the Army Navigation Association of America’s zero summit.

From the summit, Army aviators might be able to see how Team DEFIANT must be revolutionizing Future Vertical Save, one of the Army’s top modernization priorities, with a focus on switching the Future Long-Range Assault Planes (FLRAA) program’s capabilities, rapport, and sustainment resulting in greatly reduce life cycle costs. By doing this DEFIANT X, a complete software system that builds relating to the handling qualities and effectiveness proven by the team’s method demonstrator, SB> 1 DEFIANT .

During the test out, SB> 1 DEFIANT copter used less than 50% of your engine power available and less than 50% of the propulsor torque that drives its aft push propeller. Sikorsky’s Bill Fell and Boeing’s Ed Henderscheid piloted SB> 1 DEFIANT’s momentous 700-nautical miles trip from Palm beach county, Florida, to Nashville. Essentially first time the helicopter has sailed outside of the state of North carolina.

“DEFIANT behaved flawlessly. Fuel burn was at or even less than decent cupholders that we all expected, ” said Boeing’s Ed Henderscheid, who piloted SB> 1 DEFIANT’s momentous 700-nautical miles trip. “This 700-nautical mile trip is the culmination on three years of hard work on this subject program. ”

SB> 1 DEFIANT helicopter passed its first long-endurance airline ticket
Source: Tambay News

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