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Argeo selects Eelume autonomous fish robot for underwater check out

Norway-based check and survey company Argeo AS has selected Eelume’s autonomous ‘snake robot’ to aid in their operations in the first and foremost commercial contract to be closed for this innovative technology.

Having the Eelume autonomous robot is said to be part of Argeo’s printed aim to transform the seaside space inspection industry suggests of robotics, sensors, and file analytics technology, enabling a little more efficient acquisition of data with better quality accuracy.

According to Trond Crantz, the company’s CEO, finally, the Eelume technology will equip Argeo to significantly minimize its operational carbon footprint, increase efficiency, reduce the be priced related to inspection, light intervention, and monitoring (IMR) amongst subsea assets and facilities. “Currently, much of these costs are ship related. Implementing Eelume along with some resident inspection tool to achieve Offshore Wind and Oily fat & Gas will enhance up to 70% of charter boat activities, ” says Trond Crantz.

Eelume autonomous fish robot structure.
Eelume autonomous fish robot structure. Credit: Eelume Subsea Intervention

Here Eelume vehicle is basically any self-propelled, autonomous robotic arm with a slender and flexible body that can transit excessively long distances and carry out subsea inspection, maintenance, and cleanup (IMR) in confined gaps not accessible by regular upside down vehicles . It is well-suited to execute inspection and light intervention missions on subsea structures, such as offshore wind plants , fish farms, since oil and gas production facilities while pipelines. The vehicle can also be fitted with various sensors for completing environmental surveys, such as distinguishing gas leakages, oil appearing in water, salinity, temperature, seem, etc . Eelume underwater robots are engineered to permanently underwater, where they are definitely mobilized 24/7 regardless of weather.

In line with Argeo , one Eelume robot can typically construct a serviceable footprint of 50-75 square kilometers in operation. Aae proposes matching the engineering, technological innovation with their Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV), making the Eelume an effective mobile survey product complete with a deployment and recovery from addiction system.

Argeo selects Eelume autonomous fish robot for underwater check out
Source: Tambay News

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