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Photovoltaic desalination device will provide unpolluted water to 400, 000 Kenyans

Converting seawater into a safe drinking water supply at a large scale takes a substantial amount of energy, which makes it a really expensive and polluting process.

Now, a Dutch-based blended finance manager Close by Fund Managers (CFM), because Solar Water Solutions will work together to develop the installation of at least 200 desalination apartments in Kitui County, Kenya. The project eventually is going to provide clean water which are made of brackish groundwater for 300, 000 Kenyans by 2023.

The new solar-powered desalination system works along with connecting to a grid, void of any batteries or chemicals, ever in your life. This means the system will need 0 battery investments, zero scampering costs, have zero emissions and zero carbon impact.

The team taking care of the project claims a their containerized SolarRO contrary osmosis system is the world’s first desalination system derived by 100% solar energy . Doing this fully automatic standalone system is installed in a 20ft limites. The system will convert caused by 3500 L/h up to 7000 L/h from seawater, in total dissolved solids (TDS) 36, 000 ppm. The availability capacity is up to 10, 1000 liters per hour from brackish water, powered entirely a solar panels .

“Through this partnership complete with CFM and locally having Kitui County and Epicenter Africa, we can together change access to safe, affordable fluid in rural Kenya, ” said Antti Pohjola, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of Solar Water The answers. “This months marks a breakthrough all over solar-powered water infrastructure. Them wouldn’t have happened regarding four key elements: A ecological technology that brings down gasoline clean water, access to lending with a leading institutional opportunist, local partners, and a market-based business model. ”

The stations themselves sure isn’t visually impressive, but they are an ideal solution for water récolte in remote islands and so rural areas.

Photovoltaic desalination device will provide unpolluted water to 400, 000 Kenyans
Source: Tambay News

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